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47 Christmas Gift Exchange Games Worth Trying Out 2023

Christmas Gift Exchange Game Wheel

Updated on October 26th, 2023

Last Updated on 26 October 2023

Are you looking to make this year’s Christmas gift exchange memorable? We’ve got 47 common and uncommon gift exchange ideas and games you can play this Christmas to make this once-a-year event more memorable and fun. We’ve also got a few great tips on how you can plan for your Christmas gift exchange without fussing and how you can avoid that last-minute scramble. Without further ado, let’s get cracking.

Interesting Read: History of Why We Give Presents

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How to Choose the Perfect Game

Children Opening Presents As A Game 1

Choosing the ideal best Christmas gift exchange game is much like selecting the perfect Christmas song to play; it requires a careful selection that will cater to everyone’s musical taste. Let’s explore the various factors that come into play, from the number of participants and age range to cultural considerations and logistical details.

  • Factors to Consider: When standing before a banquet of choices, what guides your selection? Is it the aroma, the presentation, or perhaps dietary restrictions? Similarly, choosing the perfect gift exchange game requires a nuanced approach. It’s not just about what looks fun or what you did last year; it’s about accommodating a range of tastes and preferences to serve a memorable experience in a fun way.
  • Number of Participants: Would you serve a five-course meal to a party of two? Probably not. Likewise, the scale of your gathering should inform the type of party game you choose. For intimate settings with fewer participants, consider more personalized gift ideas like “Two Truths and a Lie: Gift Edition.” Classic games like “Secret Santa” or “Musical Gifts” work well for larger groups, requiring less intricate planning and keeping a more extensive audience engaged.
  • Age Range: How often have we seen a Christmas party game falter because it was too complex for the children or too juvenile for the adults? A successful gift exchange game marries universal appeal with inclusivity. Games like “Gift Auction” or “Hot Potato Parcel” often work well across age groups, providing that critical balance of simplicity and engagement.
  • Cultural Considerations: Is your gathering as culturally diverse as a tapestry of global traditions? If so, tread carefully. Some games may have cultural connotations or religious affiliations that only some are comfortable with. Always consider the background and beliefs of your participants when selecting a game, or better yet, involve them in the decision-making process for a fun idea.
  • Space and Logistics: Imagine trying to play a football game in a cramped living room; it’s not the most practical idea. Similarly, the physical space you have available should dictate your gift exchange options. While “Treasure Hunt” might be a crowd-pleaser, it may not be feasible in a smaller setting. Games like “Gift Card Roulette” or “Draw a Gift” require less space while still being fun and exciting. And if you’re looking for something special, you might even try a 12 days of Christmas theme.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

Woman Worried About Christmas 1

  1. Last-minute Planning: Have you ever tried to cook a turkey an hour before guests arrive? Chaos ensues, and stress levels soar. Much like a well-prepared feast, a successful, fun gift exchange requires adequate planning. Last-minute arrangements often result in generic games that fail to captivate, leaving participants yearning for something more meaningful.
  2. Ignoring Group Dynamics: Just as you wouldn’t sit feuding relatives next to each other at dinner, so should you consider group dynamics when planning your game? Knowing how people relate to one another can make or break the experience. Fun Christmas gift exchange games that require teamwork can be awkward if participants are not well-acquainted, so choose a game that fits the social fabric of your group.
  3. Failing to Set a Budget: Think about a potluck where someone brings caviar, and another brings crisps. There’s a clear imbalance, right? A predetermined budget ensures that everyone gets a gift that is roughly equivalent in value, preventing potential awkwardness or resentment.
  4. Not Considering the Venue: While your home might be the most convenient venue, it may not be the most suitable for your chosen game. Whether it’s a lack of space or holding the gift restrictions of a formal setting, failing to consider the venue is a common oversight. Ensure the environment aligns with the best gift exchange game requirements for a seamless experience.

List of Christmas Gift Exchange Games

Gift Exchange Games Wheel 1

White Elephant Gift Exchange

The White Elephant Gift Exchange is a game of chance and strategy, where participants bring wrapped gifts to be distributed unpredictably. You could end up with something delightful or absurdly humorous. It’s one of the Christmas gift exchange ideas that ensures everyone gets a gift. How to Play

  1. Preparation: Each participant brings a wrapped gift and places it in a central pile. Ensure no one leaves the gift out of the pile.
  2. Turns: Players draw numbers to determine the order in which they’ll take turns.
  3. Selection: On your turn, you can choose a new gift from the pile or steal an already-opened gift from someone else.
  4. Stealing Rules: A gift can usually be stolen twice before it’s “locked in.”
  5. Conclusion: The game ends when the last gift has been opened, and the final stealing opportunities are exhausted. It’s a fun gift exchange game that always leaves participants laughing.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers Age Range: 10 and up Number of Participants: 6-30 Interactive Level: High

Yankee Swap

Yankee Swap Vector 1

Like the White Elephant, Yankee Swap adds a level of competition as participants can steal a gift from each other, but the twist is in the strategic timing.

How to Play:

  1. Preparation: All participants bring a type of gift for the exchange and draw numbers.
  2. Opening Gifts: Starting with the lowest number, players choose a gift and open it.
  3. Swap Opportunity: Each subsequent player can pick a new present or swap with a gift they are holding.
  4. Final Turn: The person who picked first gets a last chance to swap, similar to the traditional white elephant gift exchange.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 12 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Secret Santa

Secret Santa Gift 1

Secret Santa is a holiday tradition where participants draw names to become someone’s “Santa,” gifting them anonymously. The catch is that you must keep your identity private, adding a sprinkle of mystery and a dash of suspense to the next Christmas festivities.

How to Play:

  1. Draw Names: Each participant draws a name from a hat and becomes that person’s Secret Santa.
  2. Gift Giving: Secretly place your gift for your assigned person in a predetermined spot.
  3. Reveal: Eventually, there is a gift opening where everyone finds out who their Secret Santa is, making it an exciting family gift exchange.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-50
Interactive Level: Low

The Left-Right Game

Left Right Gift Exchange Game 1

The Left Right Game is a heartwarming, fast-paced gift exchange game with ideas that make it unique. Participants sit in a circle and pass the gift around to their left or right based on a Christmas-themed story or poem read aloud. As the story unfolds, gifts journey from hand to hand, making pit stops according to the narrative until they find their final homes.

How to Play:

  1. Story Prep: Prepare a Christmas-themed story that often includes the words ‘left’ and ‘right’.
  2. Gift Passing: As the story is read, participants pass their gifts to the left or right every time those words are mentioned.
  3. End Game: You keep the larger gift you’re holding when the story ends, ensuring that everyone gets a gift from the centre of the circle.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Kids
Age Range: 5 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Gift Bingo

Gift Binigo Exchange Game 1

Gift Bingo merges the fun of Bingo with the excitement of Christmas gift exchange themes. Players fill in bingo cards with possible gifts, and as each gift is unwrapped, players mark it off. Win a row, and you get to choose the following gift to unwrap.

How to Play:

  1. Bingo Cards: Distribute Bingo cards to all participants.
  2. Calling Numbers: A designated person holding the gift calls out numbers or symbols.
  3. Winning: If you get Bingo, select a gift left in the pile or exchange it with another player.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Coworkers
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 5-30
Interactive Level: Medium

Hot Potato

Hot Potato Gift Exchange Game 1

In this thrilling game, a single unwrapped gift is passed around the circle as music plays. The person holding the “hot potato” when the music stops is out but keeps the gift, and play continues until everyone has a gift, offering a variety of games and ideas for the season.

How to Play:

  1. Music and Passing: Start the music and begin passing the gift.
  2. Stopping the Music: Stop the music at random intervals.
  3. Out but Happy: If you’re holding the present when the music stops, you’re out but get to keep the gift.

Intended For: Kids, Family, Friends
Age Range: 4 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Musical Chairs Gift Exchange Game

Musical Chairs Game With Presents 1

Musical Chairs Gift Exchange Game is a lively twist on the classic children’s game. As the music plays, participants walk gift around the circle of wrapped gifts. When the music stops, you get the gift nearest to you. The game continues until every gift has been claimed, making it one of these Christmas favourites.

How to Play:

  1. Preparation: Set up chairs in a circle and place gifts near each chair.
  2. Musical Loop: Participants walk around the chairs while music plays.
  3. Claiming Gifts: When the music stops, the person chooses a gift nearest to them, and they can either choose a new gift or stick with what they have.

Intended For: Kids, Family
Age Range: 4-12
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Switch Steal Unwrap Dice Game

Switch Steal Unwrap Dice Game 1

This game combines the luck of rolling dice with the strategy of choosing gifts. Players roll dice to decide if they will pick a new gift, swap with someone else, or unwrap a gift they have. The game doesn’t happen until the last gift is opened and can serve as one of the best gift exchange experiences. The game ends when the last gift is unwrapped.

How to Play:

  1. Dice Rules: Assign actions like ‘Steal,’ ‘Switch,’ or ‘Unwrap’ to different numbers on a die. This can be a fun office gift exchange game.
  2. Rolling and Action: Roll the dice and perform the corresponding action on your turn.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: High

Saran Wrap Ball Christmas Gift Exchange Game

Saran Wrap Ball Christmas Gift Exchange Game 1

In this tactile, frenzied game, small gifts are wrapped in layers of saran wrap to form a large ball. Players take turns unwrapping the ball to reveal gifts but can only use one hand, making it a hilarious challenge. It’s among the popular gift exchange games and ideas for the holidays.

How to Play:

  1. Wrap the Ball: Place gift exchange gift items within layers of Saran wrap.
  2. Unwrap: On your turn, try to unwrap as many layers as possible within a given time.
  3. Claim: Keep any gifts you expose.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 6 and up
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: High

Ornament Exchange

Vector Christmas Ornaments 1

Each participant brings a unique, often handcrafted Christmas tree ornament to the Ornament Exchange. These are exchanged in various ways, such as drawing names or playing mini-games, to determine who gets which ornament. This type of gift exchange is cherished for its personal touch.

How to Play:

  1. Ornament Prep: Everyone brings a wrapped ornament.
  2. Choosing: Like White Elephant, you can select a new ornament or steal an already opened one. This can be a fun twist on the traditional office gift exchange.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Low to Medium

Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

Christmas Sweater Gift Exchange 1

This game is less about exchanging gifts and more about exchanging laughs. Participants wear their most outrageous Christmas sweaters, and everyone votes on categories like “Ugliest,” “Funniest,” and “Most Creative,” with small prizes for the winners.

How to Play:

  1. Wear Your Worst: Participants arrive wearing their ugliest Christmas sweaters.
  2. Judging: Everyone votes on the ugliest sweater.
  3. Prize: The winner receives a predetermined gift.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-30
Interactive Level: Low

Rock Paper Scissors Gift Exchange

Sissor Paper Rock Gift Exchange 1

Building on the age-old game of Rock-Paper-Scissors, players square off in duels where the winner can either keep their current gift or swap with their defeated opponent. The game adds a layer of strategy and unpredictability to the gift exchange.

How to Play:

  1. Initial Pile: Everyone starts with a wrapped gift.
  2. Challenges: Challenge others to Rock-Paper-Scissors.
  3. Outcome: The winner either keeps their facility or swaps with the loser. This is a unique type of gift exchange.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 6 and up
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: High

Holiday Trivia Gift Exchange

Holiday Trivia Vector 1

Test your holiday knowledge in this game, where each correct trivia answer allows you to pick a new gift or steal someone else’s.

How to Play:

  1. Question Time: A host asks holiday-themed trivia questions.
  2. Correct Answers: Players who answer correctly get to choose a gift or steal one.
  3. Game Over: Once all gifts are chosen and unwrapped, the game ends.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Coworkers
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 5-25
Interactive Level: High

Heads or Tails Gift Exchange Game

Head Tails Christmas Theme Coin 1

A coin flip dictates whether you keep your gift or swap it with someone else, adding an unpredictable dynamic to the exchange. This is a simple yet entertaining type of gift exchange.

How to Play:

  1. Initial Choice: Choose a gift.
  2. Coin Flip: Heads means keep your gift; tails means swap with someone of your choice.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 5-30
Interactive Level: Medium

21 Questions

Vector Questions And Christmas Presents 1

Based on the classic guessing game, participants must figure out the gift they’ve been given based on “yes” or “no” questions.

How to Play:

  1. Random Gift: Each person chooses a wrapped gift.
  2. Twenty-One Questions: Players take turns asking yes-or-no questions about their gift until they can open the gift and see what’s inside.
  3. Unwrap: Once the gift has been guessed or 21 questions have been asked, unwrap it.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: High

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever Illustration Representation 1

A holiday twist on the classic game, where admitting to never having done something holiday-related allows you to select a gift.

How to Play:

  1. Statements: Players take turns making “Never Have I Ever” statements related to holiday activities.
  2. Gift Choice: If you’ve never done the activity mentioned, you pick a gift from the pile.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 12 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: High

Christmas Carol Singalong

Vector People Singing Christmas Carols 1

A delightful twist to a musical event, the Christmas Carol Singalong has participants sing carols to win gifts. It’s perfect for showing off your holiday spirit and vocal talents.

How to Play:

  1. Song List: Prepare a list of popular Christmas carols.
  2. Singing Turn: On your turn, pick a carol to sing.
  3. Winning Criteria: Sing the carol well to win a gift from the pile.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Grinch Gift Exchange

Christmas Grinch 1

Adding a delightful spin to gift exchanging, the Grinch Gift Exchange involves “stealing” gifts in a way that the Grinch himself would appreciate.

How to Play:

  1. Gift Pile: As with White Elephant, everyone brings a wrapped gift.
  2. The Grinch: One person plays the role of the Grinch.
  3. Stealing: The Grinch can swap gifts before the final reveal.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: High

Left Right Poem Gift Exchange Game

Vector Poem Illustration 1

A poetic cousin to the Left Right Game, gifts are exchanged according to cues in a Christmas-themed poem.

How to Play:

  1. Prepare Poem: Write or find a poem peppered with the words ‘left’ and ‘right.’
  2. Read Aloud: Read the poem, and participants pass gifts to the left or right as instructed.
  3. Final Hold: You keep the gift you have at the end of the poem.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: 5 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Riddle Me This

Riddle Maze Drawing 1

This game turns participants into detectives. Solve riddles to identify which gift you’ll take home, adding an intellectual twist to your holiday celebrations.

How to Play:

  1. Riddle Setup: Assign a riddle to each gift beforehand.
  2. Riddle Time: A host reads the riddles one by one.
  3. Claiming Gifts: Solve the riddle to claim the gift it corresponds to.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: Medium

December Dice Gift Game

Lots Of Dice Falling From Sky 1

In a blend of luck and strategy, roll dice to determine your gift’s fate—unwrap, steal, or pass it along.

How to Play:

  1. Dice Roll: On your turn, roll a six-sided die.
  2. Actions: The number rolled corresponds to a predetermined action like unwrap, steal, or pass.
  3. Game Over: The game ends when all gifts are unwrapped.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 6 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Gift Auction

Gift Auction Game 1

How about merging an auction with a gift exchange? Well, Gift Auction does precisely that, offering a unique thrill.

How to Play:

  1. Auctioneer: One person acts as the auctioneer.
  2. Bidding: Use fictional or pre-allocated “money” to bid on wrapped gifts.
  3. Winning: The highest bidder wins the gift.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 12 and up
Number of Participants: 5-30
Interactive Level: Medium

Spin the Bottle Gift Exchange

Spin The Bottle Gift Exchange Game 1

Spin the Bottle Gift Exchange is a nostalgic throwback to adolescent games and adds romance to the holiday. Spin a bottle to decide who you’ll be giving your gift to.

How to Play:

  1. Gift Circle: Place all gifts in the centre.
  2. Spin Time: Players take turns spinning a bottle.
  3. Gift Giving: The spinner gives a gift to the person the bottle points to.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 5-15
Interactive Level: Medium


Pakkeleg Christmas Gifts And Dices 1

Originating in Denmark, Pakkeleg uses dice to govern a communal game of gift-snatching, requiring a dash of luck and a sprinkle of strategy.

How to Play:

  1. Dice Rules: Assign actions to dice numbers. Standard rules include ‘6’ to select a gift and ‘1’ to swap gifts.
  2. Roll and Act: Roll the dice and perform the action associated with the number.
  3. Final Round: When all gifts are unwrapped, set a timer for a final stealing round.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: 6 and up
Number of Participants: 4-12
Interactive Level: High

Scrooge Your Neighbor

Christmas Scrooge 1

It is a devious twist on the traditional gift exchange, where some gifts come with “Scrooge Cards” that can impose conditions or penalties on other players.

How to Play:

  1. Scrooge Cards: Insert a few “Scrooge Cards” among the gifts.
  2. Pick or Steal: Choose a gift or steal an open one.
  3. Reveal: If you pick a gift with a Scrooge Card, read it aloud and follow its instructions.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: High

Gift Train

Gift Train Vector Illustration 1

All aboard the Gift Train! This game turns the act of gift-giving into a chain reaction of generosity, where everyone both gives and receives a gift in an orderly yet spirited fashion.

How to Play:

  1. Gift Pool: Everyone places a wrapped gift in a central location.
  2. Line Up: Participants line up in a predetermined order.
  3. The Engine Starts: The first person in line picks a gift and opens it for everyone to see.
  4. Chain Reaction: The next person can choose a new gift from the pool or ‘steal’ the unwrapped gift from the first person. If your gift is stolen, you select a new one.
  5. The Final Stop: The game ends when the last person in the line makes their choice. They can keep their gift or trade with anyone in line.

Intended For: Kids, Family
Age Range: 3-10
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High


Christmas Vector Lines Exchange With Hand 1

A Swedish Christmas tradition, Julklapp adds an element of surprise to the season by including anonymous, and sometimes funny, gift-giving.

How to Play:

  1. Gift Preparation: Buy a gift and wrap it in layers of wrapping paper, adding a riddle or note that hints at the gift’s contents or the recipient.
  2. The Knock: On Christmas Eve, families typically knock on a door and toss the gift into the room before quickly running away, remaining anonymous.
  3. Gift Unwrapping: The recipient reads the note aloud and attempts to solve the riddle before unwrapping the gift.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Neighbors
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 2-20
Interactive Level: Low

Treasure Hunt

Christmas Treasure Hunt 1

This game turns your entire living space into an exciting labyrinth of clues, challenges, and hidden gifts.

How to Play:

  1. Preparation: Hide gifts around the house and create a set of clues that lead to each one.
  2. Team Up: Divide the participants into teams.
  3. Hunt Begins: Each team starts with the first clue, aiming to solve it to find the next clue and, eventually the hidden gift.
  4. Final Unwrapping: Once all gifts are found, everyone gathers to open them.

Intended For: Family, Friends, Kids
Age Range: 5 and up
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: High

Virtual Gift Exchange

Virtual Gift Exchange Illustration 1

For those who can’t be together physically, a Virtual Gift Exchange uses the magic of technology to ensure everyone feels the season’s warmth.

How to Play:

  1. Platform Selection: Choose a virtual meeting platform.
  2. Gift Allocation: Use an online Secret Santa generator to assign gift recipients.
  3. Send Gifts: Mail gifts ahead of the virtual gathering or opt for digital gifts.
  4. Virtual Unwrapping: During the video call, each participant takes turns opening their gift on camera.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Low

Mug Gift Exchange

Christmas Mug Exchange Game Illustration 1

A wholesome exchange focused on mugs—ideal for lovers of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.

How to Play:

  1. Buy a Mug: Each participant buys a mug within a preset budget.
  2. Fill It: Add some small goodies like chocolates or teabags inside.
  3. Exchange: Place all mugs in the centre, draw names, and each person picks a mug based on whose name they get.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Low

Goodie Mug Exchange

Goodies Christmas Mug Exchange Illustration 1

A variation on the Mug Gift Exchange, but the mugs are filled with goodies like tea, coffee, or chocolate.

How to Play:

  1. Goodie Filling: Fill mugs with treats and wrap them.
  2. Choose and Unwrap: Like the Mug Gift Exchange, pick a mug or steal one.
  3. Reveal: Unwrap and see what goodies await inside.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Low

Books and Beverages Gift Exchange

Christmas Mug Exchange Game Illustration 1

For bibliophiles and beverage connoisseurs alike, this exchange pairs a good read with a tasty drink.

How to Play:

  1. Pick and Pack: Choose a book and a beverage that you enjoy.
  2. Wrap Separately: Wrap the book and drink separately, but mark them as a pair.
  3. Draw and Choose: Draw names; each participant picks a paired set from the central pool.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 12 and up
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Low

Local Treasures Gift Exchange

People Exchanging Gifts 2

This exchange celebrates local craftsmanship and culture, focusing on items unique to a specific locale.

How to Play:

  1. Local Shopping: Buy a gift that represents something unique about your local area.
  2. Exchange: Place all items in a central location, draw names, and exchange based on the draw.
  3. Storytime: As people open their gifts, the giver explains what makes the item special and local.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Low

Three King’s Day (Día de Reyes)

Three Kings Giving Gifts Illustration 1

A Spanish and Latin American tradition, this January 6th celebration involves exchanging gifts to commemorate the Three Wise Men’s gifts to Baby Jesus.

How to Play:

  1. Gift Preparation: Prepare small gifts and hide them in a ‘Rosca de Reyes’ (Kings’ Bread) or around the house.
  2. The Hunt: Children look for hidden gifts, often following clues or small trails.
  3. Symbolism: The event usually includes reading about the Three Wise Men and the significance of their gifts.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Low

Kids DIY Gift Exchange

Kids Gift Exchange Diy 1

This game is all about children unleashing their creativity. It combines the joy of crafting with the spirit of giving, making it perfect for younger participants.

How to Play:

  1. Crafting Time: Each child creates a simple DIY gift at home or during a supervised crafting session.
  2. Wrap and Write: They wrap their gift and write a short note explaining what they made and why.
  3. Gift Pool: The wrapped crafts are placed in a central gift pool.
  4. Draw and Give: Kids draw names and then select a DIY gift from the collection for the person whose name they drew.
  5. Unveiling: Once everyone has a gift, the kids open them together, reading out the notes as they go along.

Intended For: Kids
Age Range: 4-12
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Medium

Favourite Things for Friends Gift Exchange

Vector Favorite Things With Friends 1

This exchange is a heartwarming activity where everyone gifts small items that are their “favourite things” to share the joy.

How to Play:

  1. Budget and Items: Set a budget and ask each participant to buy multiple small items that are their favorite—could be a favorite snack, beauty product, etc.
  2. Packaging: Package these in small, individual bags.
  3. Distribution: Each person distributes their ‘favourite things’ to the group, offering a quick explanation for why they love each item.

Intended For: Friends
Age Range: 12 and up
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: Medium

Cobweb Party

Cobweb Christmas Gift Exchange 1

The Cobweb Party turns your living space into a spider’s web of string, with each strand leading to a hidden gift. It’s adventurous, fun, and delightfully chaotic.

How to Play:

  1. Preparation: Attach one end of a ball of string to each gift.
  2. Weave the Web: Take the other end and weave it around furniture, door handles, etc., to create a ‘cobweb.’
  3. Start the Hunt: On ‘go,’ each person selects a string and follows it to find their gift.
  4. Unwrap: Once everyone has found their gift, the unwrapping begins.

Intended For: Family, Kids
Age Range: 5 and up
Number of Participants: 4-12
Interactive Level: High

Fun Facts Christmas Gift Exchange Game

Fun Facts Vector 1

This is an immersive way to both give and receive gifts while learning more about the people around you. It’s a beautiful blend of trivia, mystery, and the spirit of giving.

How to Play:

  1. Preliminary Steps: Each participant writes down three unique facts about themselves and places it in a sealed envelope with their name written on it.
  2. Gift Selection: Participants buy a gift that aligns with the collective budget and place it in the central gift pool.
  3. Fun Fact Matching: During the exchange, each person draws an envelope and tries to guess who the facts belong to.
  4. Gifting: Upon guessing correctly, the participant selects a gift from the central pool to give to the individual whose facts they’ve just discovered. If they guess wrongly, they try again.
  5. Revelation and Reception: At the end, recipients open their gifts and reveal who their ‘Secret Santa’ was.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Santa’s Helper Gift Exchange

Santas Helper Workshop Vector 1

In this magical game, the spirit of Santa Claus permeates the room as participants become Santa’s helpers, delivering gifts in an anonymous yet thoughtful manner.

How to Play:

  1. Choose a ‘Santa’: Select one person to be the main ‘Santa.’ This person will manage the central gift pool.
  2. The Helpers: Everyone else is a ‘helper’ and will buy a gift that goes into a communal pool.
  3. On the Clock: ‘Santa’ sets a timer. When it starts, Santa’s helpers select a gift from the pool and deliver it to someone else in the room.
  4. Additional Rounds: If time permits and gifts remain, the cycle continues.
  5. The Final Ring: When the timer rings for the final time, everyone opens their gifts to discover what Santa’s helpers brought them.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: 4 and up
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Rotate Gift Exchange Ideas

Rotating Gift Exchange Vector 1

In this game, the concept of giving becomes a dynamic, fluid process that sees gifts changing hands multiple times, making each unwrapping a suspenseful experience.

How to Play:

  1. Initial Pick: Everyone picks a wrapped gift from the central gift pool but needs to open it.
  2. Rotate Command: A designated leader will call out directions like ‘swap with the person on your left,’ ‘Everyone moves two seats to the right,’ etc.
  3. Follow the Instructions: Participants comply with the commands, swapping gifts accordingly.
  4. Final Unwrapping: When the leader calls ‘time,’ everyone unwraps their final gift.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 10 and up
Number of Participants: 6-20
Interactive Level: High

Musical Gifts

Chrimas Musical Vector 1

Think musical chairs, but with presents. It adds rhythm to the tradition of gift-giving, making it a lively, engaging event.

How to Play:

  1. Place the Gifts: Arrange the wrapped gifts in a circle.
  2. Start the Music: Play Christmas music as everyone walks around the circle.
  3. Pause and Pick: Pause the music at random intervals. When it stops, each person picks the gift nearest to them.
  4. Final Lap: The game continues until everyone has a gift.
  5. Grand Unveiling: Participants unwrap their gifts at the end.

Intended For: Family, Kids
Age Range: 4 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: High

Lucky Last Line Gift Game

Christmas Poem Reading 1

A poetic twist, where the last line of a Christmas poem determines your gift.

How to Play:

  1. Poem Writing: Write a Christmas poem and assign gifts to the last lines.
  2. Reading and Choosing: Read the poem aloud, and participants choose gifts based on the final line they find most appealing.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 6 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Draw a Card

Christmas Draw Card Game 1

Participants draw a card from a deck to determine which gift they receive. The suits or numbers correspond to specific gifts or actions.

How to Play:

  1. Assign Cards: Each gift or action (like swapping gifts) is assigned a card suit or number.
  2. Draw and Act: Draw a card from a well-shuffled deck and receive or act according to the card’s assignment.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 5-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Rock Paper Switch Gift Game

Christmas Rock Paper Sissors 1

In the Rock Paper Switch Gift Game, participants bring a wrapped gift to the party and place it on a table. Players then draw playing cards to determine the order of play. When it’s your turn, you can either unwrap your gift or challenge someone to a game of Rock Paper Scissors to steal theirs. If you win, you switch gifts; if you lose, you keep your own. The game adds a competitive twist to traditional gift exchanges, making it more engaging and fun.

How to Play:

  1. Initial Picks: Everyone picks a wrapped gift.
  2. Rock-Paper-Scissors: In pairs, participants play Rock-Paper-Scissors.
  3. Switch or Not: The winner can keep their gift or switch it with their opponent’s.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 4-15
Interactive Level: High

Twelve Days of Christmas Gift Exchange Game

12 Days Of Christmas Gift Exchange Vector 1

This festive game elevates the spirit of giving by spreading joy across twelve days, each marked by a unique gift. It’s a captivating blend of anticipation and gratification, much like an Advent calendar but with a communal touch.

How to Play:

  1. Assign Participants: Have everyone participating draw names to establish who they’ll be gifting to for the entire twelve days.
  2. Gift Selection: Participants should select 12 small but meaningful gifts for their assigned individual. These could range from personalised tokens to simple pleasures like a favourite snack.
  3. Daily Gifting: Starting twelve days before Christmas, one gift is delivered anonymously to each participant.
  4. Unwrapping Schedule: Each day, participants can unwrap one gift, relishing the joy of each discovery.
  5. Final Day Gathering: On the twelfth day, consider hosting a get-together where everyone brings their last gift and reveals their identities, culminating in a moment of collective joy.

Intended For: Family, Friends
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 2-12
Interactive Level: Low

Exchange the Exchange for a Gift for Everyone

People Exchanging Gifts 1

This game disrupts the traditional notion of individual gift exchanges and opts for a collective experience. It’s less of a game and more of a shared agreement, a communal pact to enhance the collective holiday spirit.

How to Play:

  1. Group Discussion: Discuss and agree upon foregoing individual gifts this year. This needs buy-in from everyone involved.
  2. Budgeting: Instead of spending on individual gifts, set a collective budget.
  3. Collective Decision: As a group, decide on a single gift that everyone will appreciate—like a quality speaker for family gatherings or a high-end coffee machine for the office.
  4. Group Purchase: Make the purchase collectively or assign a responsible individual to do so.
  5. Group Unwrapping: Gather everyone to unwrap the gift together, reinforcing the unity and shared joy that the holiday season represents.

Intended For: Friends, Family, Coworkers
Age Range: All ages
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Low

Heads or Tails (Different Version)

Playing Heads Of Tails Gift Exchange Game 1

This variation of the Heads or Tails game integrates gift-exchanging into the mix. It adds an element of chance to the usually predictable ritual of gift-giving, creating moments of surprise and spontaneity.

How to Play:

  1. Initial Selection: Start with everyone choosing a wrapped gift from the central gift pool but not unwrapping it.
  2. Coin Toss: A designated individual will toss a coin.
  3. Heads or Tails Decision: Before the coin is tossed, participants must choose “heads” or “tails” by placing their hands on their heads or tails, respectively.
  4. Action Based on Outcome: If it lands on heads, those who chose heads must swap gifts with someone else. If it lands on tails, those who chose tails have the option to either keep or swap their gift.
  5. Subsequent Rounds: Continue for as many rounds as you like to mix things up.
  6. Final Unwrapping: Once satisfied, everyone unwraps their gifts to reveal what fortune—or the flip of a coin—has granted them.

Intended For: Friends, Family
Age Range: 8 and up
Number of Participants: 4-20
Interactive Level: Medium

Exchanging More Than Gifts

Selecting the ideal Christmas gift exchange game is more than a logistical challenge; it’s a unique opportunity to foster bonds and create shared experiences that will be cherished for years. It’s not just about the gifts exchanged but the smiles, the togetherness, and the stories that make the season unforgettable. Indeed, this special holiday ritual serves as a chapter in the larger narrative of our lives, one filled with the warmth of companionship and the joy of inclusivity. Isn’t that what makes the Christmas season a time we all look forward to revisiting?

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The original DadShop writer, owner, fun loving and tech guy. Great with computers, gadgets, quick on his feet and lover of novelty gifts. Ben writes for our wonderful blog occasionally just to pass time.